
The waltz of the LHC magnets has begun

Major endeavors are underway in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) over the past few weeks, with the extraction of magnets from the accelerator tunnel. The LHC has a total of 1232 dipoles, magnets which bend the particles' trajectories, ...

What organizes the genome in the nucleus?

Spatial separation of active from inactive fractions of the genome in the cell nucleus is crucial for gene expression control. A new study uncovers leading mechanisms of such separation and turns our picture of the nucleus ...

Toward a low-cost industrialization of lithium-ion capacitors

Combining two additives instead of one to facilitate the incorporation of lithium within capacitors: that is the solution proposed by researchers from l'Institut des matériaux Jean Rouxel (CNRS/Université de Nantes), in ...

What next after 100 Resilient Cities funding ends?

It was no April fool's joke when the Rockefeller Foundation announced it will phase out funding for the 100 Resilient Cities network. The foundation's message was a surprise for many participating cities, including Melbourne ...

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