
Sites want your (anonymized) social media data

Social media sites' responses to the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal and new European privacy regulations have given users much more control over who can access their data, and for what purposes. To me, as a social media ...

The threats behind the plight of the puffin

Puffins are facing a perilous future. Population numbers have fallen sharply, and there are even fears the sea bird could be heading towards extinction within the next 100 years.

Can we drink rain? Researchers take a look

Until fairly recently, it was illegal to harvest rainwater in Colorado. Now, as in a number of other Western states, it's seen as alternative water source in an increasingly dry landscape. But is rainwater safe?

A summer of learning, deep in Costa Rica

Gazing across the Convento River in southern Costa Rica, Taite Nazifi envisions a software solution for conservationists who examine the water rushing below. He snaps photos, observes wildlife and considers fields of data ...

Three steps toward safer and sounder software

How confident are you that your software will perform the way it is meant to in the moment of truth? How sure are you that a system going down somewhere else in your industry won't take yours out, too, or vice versa?

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