
Seeing all the colors of the plasma wind

When it comes to plasma winds in a tokamak, researchers are always looking for the Goldilocks solution—one that is just right. Winds that are too high or too low can reduce plasma efficiency. Researchers at the DIII-D National ...

New transmission microscope for low-energy electrons

Physicist Daniël Geelen (Leiden University) has developed a new microscope that uses low-energy electrons. Those are less harmful to biological and organic materials. Geelen defended his Ph.D. thesis on May 31st.

Scientists studying nuclear spin make a surprising discovery

In proton-proton smashups, more neutrons scatter to the right than the left relative to the proton spin direction. That was the accepted wisdom, and scientists thought the pattern would hold even when the protons struck larger ...

Simulating turbulent bubbly flows in nuclear reactors

Inside nuclear reactors, boiling water, bubbles, and turbulent flows affect safety and efficiency. For many years, modeling turbulent bubbly flows was a challenging, time-consuming problem. Researchers were largely limited ...

Making efficient use of biomass

Industrial facilities are generally located far away from extensive forest regions. Because wood requires efforts to transport, it sees only limited use as a raw material in industry. In the EU-funded SteamBio project, researchers ...

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