
Global airport capacity crisis amid passenger boom: IATA

Governments need to urgently tackle a capacity crisis facing airports as demand for international travel grows, but they should be cautious about private sector involvement, airline industry group IATA warned Monday.

Ticket service data breach disrupts music venues

Concert ticketing service Ticketfly says it's working to get its system back online after a data breach leaked users' personal information and disrupted services at live music venues.

Guatemala volcano eruption kills 25

At least 25 people were killed when Guatemala's Fuego volcano erupted Sunday, belching ash and rock and forcing the capital's main airport to close.

Consortium buying Toshiba's memory business promises growth

The buyers of Toshiba Corp.'s memory device operations are promising to invest in technology development and manufacturing facilities to stay competitive, although they stopped short of giving a specific monetary amount or ...

Economic models significantly underestimate climate change risks

Policymakers are being misinformed by the results of economic models that underestimate the future risks of climate change impacts, according to a new journal paper by authors in the United States and the United Kingdom, ...

Hats on for Easter Island statues

How do you put a 13-ton hat on a giant statue? That's what a team of researchers is trying to figure out with their study of Easter Island statues and the red hats that sit atop some of them.

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