
Galaxy in the early universe contains carbon after all

In 2015, Jorryt Matthee thought he discovered an extremely distant galaxy called CR7, which lacked elements heavier than helium. Three years later, he shows with measurements using the ALMA telescope that the galaxy does ...

Autonomous trucks for logistics centers

Spatially demarcated areas such as company premises are ideal test areas for autonomous driving: the vehicles do not require road registration, traffic is manageable, other people who use the road are informed and unauthorized ...

A factory to go

In the future, companies will be able to offer flexible production close to their customers. A fully automated production line can be housed inside a 20-foot ISO container, which a heavy truck can transport quickly to wherever ...

Data scientists in hot demand thanks to Big Data

Data scientist is one of the most attractive jobs of the 21st century. This impression is confirmed when you take a look at relevant online job portals. According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, in the USA demand ...

A sentinel to watch over ocular pressure

Fast, easy and uncomplicated – that sums up the EYEMATE sensor system developed jointly by Duisburg's Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS and Hanover's Implandata Ophthalmic Products GmbH (Implandata). ...

Electron spectrometer deciphers quantum mechanical effects

Electronic circuits are miniaturized to such an extent that quantum mechanical effects become noticeable. Using photoelectron spectrometers, solid-state physicists and material developers can discover more about such electron-based ...

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