
What can sea squirts tell us about neurodegeneration?

A tiny marine creature with a strange lifestyle may provide valuable insights into human neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, according to scientists at Stanford Medicine.

Ocean variability contributes to sandstorms in Northern China

Extreme events such as the "North China Super Sandstorms" in March 2021 have significant impacts on human life, socio-economics and agricultural production. In addition to local meteorological conditions, sea surface temperature ...

New algorithm helps identify antibody genes

In a study published in the journal Genome Research, investigators in UC San Diego's Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Johns Hopkins University have illuminated the immunoglobulin (antibody) genes in 20 mammalian ...

Scientists 'spray paint' cells to reveal secret genes

Many of the thousands of proteins that help our cells grow and function remain undiscovered, especially the tiniest ones that occupy what some Yale scientists are calling the "dark matter" of our genome.

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