Plasma Physics

Unlocking the secrets of fusion's core with AI-enhanced simulations

Creating and sustaining fusion reactions—essentially recreating star-like conditions on Earth—is extremely difficult, and Nathan Howard, Ph.D., a principal research scientist at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center ...


Microfluidic component library component library enables rapid, low-cost device prototyping

Researchers have developed a freely available droplet microfluidic component library, which promises to transform the way microfluidic devices are created. This innovation, based on low-cost rapid prototyping and electrode ...

Jupiter's moon Callisto is very likely an ocean world

More pocked with craters than any other object in our solar system, Jupiter's outermost and second-biggest Galilean moon, Callisto, appears geologically unremarkable. In the 1990s, however, NASA's Galileo spacecraft captured ...

Neural network model can improve understanding of human attention

Imagine watching a speaker and another person nearby is loudly crunching from a bag of chips. To deal with this, a person could adjust their attention to downplay those crunch noises or focus their hearing on the speaker. ...

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Tech Xplore

Deep-sea organisms shape ocean floor at 7.5 km depth

Traces of organisms detected in sediments from 7.5 kilometers below the ocean surface reveal how organisms living in the deep sea are engineering their own environments. Analyses of sediment cores from the Pacific Ocean's ...

Light-powered breakthrough enables precision tuning of quantum dots

Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated a new technique that uses light to tune the optical properties of quantum dots—making the process faster, more energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable—without ...

Dual-site catalyst transforms CO₂ into renewable methanol

Methanol, important for the manufacture of many everyday goods and for its green energy potential, may soon be produced faster and more efficiently thanks to a collaboration that included two Oregon State University researchers.

What can we learn from a 100-year-old housing experiment?

In a study published late last year, three architects explored the history of Trondhjems Kooperative Boligselskap (TKB) in light of social and political trends in today's Norway. TKB was and is a groundbreaking project from ...