Quantum Physics

A newly proposed protocol to boost privacy in quantum sensor networks

Devices that leverage quantum mechanics effects, broadly referred to as quantum technologies, could help to tackle some real-world problems faster and more efficiently. In recent years, physicists and engineers have introduced ...

Plants & Animals

Reintroducing wolves to Scottish Highlands could help address climate emergency, study suggests

Reintroducing wolves to the Scottish Highlands could lead to an expansion of native woodland which could take in and store one million metric tons of CO2 annually, according to a new study led by researchers at the University ...

Study reveals opsin 3's role in mouse appetite control

Scientists discovered years ago that the hypothalamus—which helps to manage body temperature, hunger, sex drive, sleep and more—includes neurons that express the protein opsin 3 (OPN3). Far less clear, however, was what ...

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Tech Xplore

New findings on the power of enzymes could reshape biochemistry

Using a series of more than 1,000 X-ray snapshots of the shapeshifting of enzymes in action, researchers at Stanford University have illuminated one of the great mysteries of life—how enzymes are able to speed up life-sustaining ...

Study unveils dust patterns over time in the North Pacific

Dust blown from the Earth's continents falls into the oceans and fertilizes them with nutrients needed for plants, such as phytoplankton, to grow. This dust, rich with iron and other nutritious minerals, is critically important ...