Volcanic eruption witnessed by prehistoric humans

A volcanic eruption believed to be eye-witnessed by humans in prehistoric times happened 245,000 years later than originally expected, according to new research involving Curtin University researchers.

New research supports volcanic origin of Kiruna-type iron ores

The origin of so-called Kiruna-type apatite-iron oxide ores has been the topic of a longstanding debate for over 100 years. In a new article published in Nature Communications, a team of scientists presents new and unambiguous ...

Cool Earth theory sheds more light on diamonds

A QUT geologist has published a new theory on the thermal evolution of Earth billions of years ago that explains why diamonds have formed as precious gemstones rather than just lumps of common graphite.

A volcanic binge and its frosty hangover

A major volcanic event could have triggered one of the largest glaciations in Earth's history—the Gaskiers glaciation, which turned the Earth into a giant snowball approximately 580 million years ago. Researchers from Heidelberg ...

On a remote island, a lost part of the world is found

On a remote tropical island in the Indian Ocean lies a geologic enigma. Some 4 million years ago, volcanic eruptions on the seabed piled lava upward almost two miles, until it broke above the waves. Then it kept piling up, ...

Chang'e 4 Rover comes into view

On Jan. 30 2019, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) acquired a spectacular limb shot centered on the Chang'e 4 landing site, looking across the floor of Von Kármán crater. At the time, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter ...

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