An app for operating a self-driving car

The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and IT Engineering, a Korean electric vehicle producer, have jointly developed a smartphone software package for calling and moving a self-driving car with ...

A novel catalyst for high-energy aluminum-air flow batteries

A recent study affiliated with UNIST has introduced a novel electric vehicle (EV) battery technology that is more energy efficient than gasoline-powered engines. The new technology involves replacing battery packs instead ...

Zimbabwe launches space agency

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa Tuesday launched a space agency, hailing it as a "milestone" as he campaigns ahead of elections at the end of the month.

Hyundai, Aurora to release autonomous cars by 2021

Hyundai Motor Co. said Thursday it will begin selling its first self-driving vehicles by 2021 in partnership with U.S. based self-driving technology startup Aurora Innovation Inc.

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