Organic weed control for dandelions

Spring and summer often find homeowners out in their yards, busily attempting to control the onslaught of dandelions in a quest for green, weed-free lawns. Dandelions, broadleaf perennial plants that have a questionable reputation ...

UGA licenses new Bermuda grass that thrives in sun and shade

An internationally recognized turfgrass researcher from the University of Georgia has developed a new Bermudagrass that thrives in sun, but also produces healthy turf in areas with less than half the light normally required ...

Seed coating effective on turfgrass under deficit irrigation

Environmental factors can challenge the establishment of new turfgrass lawns grown from seed. Slow and nonuniform germination and emergence can result from conditions such as nonoptimal growing temperatures and drought. Turfgrass ...

How cool-season turfgrasses respond to elevated UV-B radiation

In the northern hemisphere, peak ultraviolet radiation exposure is predicted to occur between 2010 and 2020. Decreases in ozone lead to increased exposure to wavelengths in the ultraviolet range, and ultraviolet radiation ...

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