Marine reserves are vital—but under pressure

A massive study of nearly 1800 tropical coral reefs around the world has found that marine reserves near heavily populated areas struggle to do their job—but are a vast improvement over having no protection at all.

Coral reefs protect coasts from severe storms

Coral reefs can naturally protect coasts from tropical cyclones by reducing the impact of large waves before they reach the shore, according to scientists.

World's northernmost coral reef in Japan bleached

Bleaching has damaged the world's northernmost coral reef in Japan, a researcher said Tuesday, the latest example of a global phenomenon scientists have attributed to high ocean temperatures.

Impacts of mass coral die-off on Indian Ocean reefs revealed

Warming seawaters, caused by climate change and extreme climatic events, threaten the stability of tropical coral reefs, with potentially devastating implications for many reef species and the human communities that reefs ...

Role of sponges in cold-water coral reefs investigated

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen have discovered that Spongosorites coralliophaga, which is a large sponge (a creature which attaches itself to something solid in a place where it can, hopefully, receive enough ...

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