Magnetic vortices come full circle

Magnets often harbor hidden beauty. Take a simple fridge magnet: Somewhat counterintuitively, it is 'sticky' on one side but not the other. The secret lies in the way the magnetisation is arranged in a well-defined pattern ...

Oysters produce 3-D structures organised by physical processes

Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR) have discovered that oysters are capable of producing three-dimensional structures organized by physical (colloidal) processes—the result of which resembles a solid foam—by ...

Study reveals DNA 'grammar'

DNA three-dimensional structure is determined by a series of spatial rules based on particular protein sequences and their order. This was the finding of a study recently published in Genome Biology by Luca Nanni, Ph.D. student ...

Researchers discover how enzyme protects cells from DNA damage

A research team from Mount Sinai has unraveled for the first time the three-dimensional structure and mechanism of a complex enzyme that protects cells from constant DNA damage, opening the door to discovery of new therapeutics ...

A race to solve the COVID protein puzzle

Among the many unknown factors in the science of COVID-19, one involves the structures of the proteins that make up the exterior of the coronavirus. A coronavirus particle has multiple proteins, including the familiar spiky ...

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