Reproduction and life span are intertwined

The gonad is well known to be important for reproduction but also affects animal life span. Removal of germ cells – the sperm and egg producing cells – increases longevity of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. However, ...

Parents' social problems affect their children -- even in birds

A recent study performed by Floriane Guibert and Cecilia Houdelier at the CNRS-University of Rennes in France, together with researchers at the INRA in Nouzilly, France and with Austrian scientists including Erich Mostl of ...

Study: Progesterone leads to inflammation

Scientists at Michigan State University have found exposure to the hormone progesterone activates genes that trigger inflammation in the mammary gland.

Uncovering pathway that makes steroid hormones fast and efficient

How can the group of chemicals known as steroid hormones cause almost instantaneous changes in your body, like hydrocortisone inhalers with asthma? In an interview with UC Science Today, UC Berkeley researcher Polina Lishko ...

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