Virtual maps for the blind

The blind and visually impaired often rely on others to provide cues and information on navigating through their environments. The problem with this method is that it doesn't give them the tools to venture out on their own, ...

Trawling the net to target internet trolls

A software tool capable of both collecting and then cutting through millions of online messages to identify radicalising groups, trolls, and cyberbullies has been created by a UK trolling expert and her team at Lancaster ...

TACC develops visualization software for humanities researchers

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin has released MostPixelsEver: Cluster Edition, an open source software tool that allows researchers, especially those in the humanities, to create ...

Spiking tool improves artificially intelligent devices

Whetstone, a software tool that sharpens the output of artificial neurons, has enabled neural computer networks to process information up to a hundred times more efficiently than the current industry standard, say the Sandia ...

Classroom computers boost face-to-face learning

Computers have been used for years to facilitate learning at a distance. A new European research programme shows that computers can also enhance collaborative, face-to-face learning and problem solving.

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