Small satellite may shape centaur rings

The unique two thin rings around the Centaur Chariklo could be shaped by an even smaller satellite. Chariklo is a Centaur, which are small bodies similar to asteroids in size but to comets in composition, that revolve around ...

Fostering a more racially inclusive rural America

Associate Professor of Sociology Emily Walton recalls chatting with a multiracial physician who told her that he'd made more friends in Colorado, where he spent one year during his residency, than he had in nearly a decade ...

AI may predict the next virus to jump from animals to humans

Most emerging infectious diseases of humans (like COVID-19) are zoonotic—caused by viruses originating from other animal species. Identifying high-risk viruses earlier can improve research and surveillance priorities. A ...

Researching slang to help solve gang crime

Gang-related violent crime continues to affect young people across England and Wales, with the latest reports suggesting that gang leaders are offering teenagers up to £1,000 pounds to carry out stabbings. In their efforts ...

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