Exposed sediments reveal decades of Lake Powell history

Usually when a geologist walks up to a sedimentary rock outcrop and starts scanning the layers of sand, mud and silt now turned to rock, they're looking through millions of years of deep time to deduce what happened in that ...

The obliquity of Mars: Periodic bedding in Tithonium Chasma

Earth's seasons are caused by the tilt of our planet's rotational axis to the orbital plane or obliquity. Mars' obliquity is currently about 25 degrees, which is not much different from Earth's 23 degrees. However, numerical ...

Rock-solid archives record variations in the Earth's orbit

The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun and the orientation of its axis undergo regular variations over periods of thousands to millions of years. These variations—known as Milankovitch cycles after the Serbian geophysicist ...

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