Cyber thugs taking data hostage

Marriage therapist Valerie Goss turned on her computer one day and found that all of her data was being held hostage.

Let hackers in: Experts say traps might be better than walls

Ever since the Internet blossomed in the 1990s, cybersecurity was built on the idea that computers could be protected by a digital quarantine. Now, as hackers routinely overwhelm such defenses, experts say cybersecurity is ...

Improved planning for the evacuation of buildings

A simulation software from Siemens can analyze people's behavior in emergency situations. The software known as "Crowd Control" calculates how individuals or crowds will behave and move in emergencies. The program allows ...

Humans are largely the problem in cyber security failures

When people think about cyber and information security they often think about anti-virus software and firewalls; however, according to an information security expert from the University of Adelaide, organisations would become ...

The quick brown fox can help secure your passwords online

In 2004 Bill Gates pronounced usernames and passwords dead. Gates, a man consistently thinking ahead of the crowd, was right. Most of us – including our employers and the online services we rely on – just haven't caught ...

Samsung phones cleared for US government use

Samsung Electronics Co. said Tuesday some of its Galaxy mobile devices were approved by the National Security Agency for use with classified U.S. government networks and data, a boost to the company's efforts to expand in ...

US won't reveal records on health website security

The Obama administration has concluded it will not publicly disclose federal records that could shed light on the security of the government's signature health care website because doing so could "potentially" allow hackers ...

Malware sneaks into online ads: researchers

Hackers are increasingly slipping malicious software into online advertising, creating risks for the Internet economic model, security researchers said Tuesday.

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