Study points to 'policy blueprint' for AI and machine-learning

At a time of rapidly changing industry, with potentially huge consequences for society, governments face a dilemma of how to incentivise entrepreneurship and innovation while at the same time ensuring that innovation benefits ...

A clarion call for science

Harvard President Drew Faust called for members of the scientific community to "raise our voices" in an effort to prevent the U.S. Congress from becoming "an American Association for the Retreat of Science," when she addressed ...

Galileo didn't invent thermometer that bears his name

The great Italian scientist Galileo may have been the first person to use a telescope to observe the heavens, helping spark the scientific revolution of the 16th century, but Galileo definitely did not invent the famous thermometer ...

Paradigm shift: How Galileo's spy glass upended science

Today it would hardly pass muster as a child's plaything, but the telescope Galileo used 400 years ago this week to peer into the heavens overturned the foundations of knowledge, changing our perception of the Universe and ...