Listening in on endangered Amazon River dolphins

Monitoring echolocation clicks could be used to track the movements of two endangered freshwater dolphin species that inhabit inaccessible parts of the Amazon Basin—the boto (or pink river dolphin) and the tucuxi—and ...

Previously unknown methane sources identified in Hamburg

After carbon dioxide, methane is the second most common greenhouse gas caused by human activity. Moreover, over a 20-year period, its global warming potential is more than 80 times that of carbon dioxide. The largest known ...

Why rivers matter for the global carbon cycle

In a new journal article, EPFL professor Tom Battin reviews our current understanding of carbon fluxes in the world's river networks. He demonstrates their central role in the global carbon cycle and argues for the creation ...

River complexity maintains regional population stability

An international group of researchers has demonstrated that branching complexity of rivers affects regional population stability and persistence in nature, contrary to current theories which suggest the importance of an ecosystem's ...

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