Eating out, breathing in

By now, most Americans are well aware of the air pollution created by power plants or heavy vehicle traffic. These sources discharge harmful particulate matter that becomes suspended in the air, creating what's called an ...

American service industry approaching a 'tipping point'

The average rate at which Americans tip for services has been increasing steadily for decades, which creates a growing pay disparity between tipped and nontipped workers. The practice has been branded over the years as classist, ...

Uber launches new food delivery app

The food delivery market just got more crowded with the launch Tuesday morning of a new on-demand meal app by Uber.

Young eagles flock to the landfill drive-thru

Imagine for a moment that you're a young bald eagle soaring through the sky, scouring for a nice meal down below. You could hold out for fresh prey to skitter by. But your hunting skills aren't quite up to snuff, and hey, ...

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