Advocacy group: Wind turbine rules needed to protect birds

The sky above a tabletop-flat expanse of eastern Michigan farmland near Lake Huron is a well-traveled pathway for migratory birds journeying between summer nesting areas in Canada's boreal forests and wintering grounds to ...

'Green curtains' block heat, save energy

A growing number of people are turning to nature to help them save electricity this summer, creating so-called green curtains of climbing plants.

Study expects rising interest in energy saving

(AP) -- Energy-efficient technology for batteries, grids and power storage will be trendy in 2010, according to a study released Wednesday on clean energy technology.

Feinstein seeks block solar power from desert land

(AP) -- California's Mojave Desert may seem ideally suited for solar energy production, but concern over what several proposed projects might do to the aesthetics of the region and its tortoise population is setting up a ...

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