Benchmarks to better catch the sun

Simulations unveil efficiency targets and design rules to maximize the conversion of light into electricity using organic solar cells.

Ready, jet... print

Inkjet printing is expected to fast track the commercialization of organic solar cells. Researchers from the KAUST Solar Center have exploited this technique to generate high-efficiency solar cells at large scales.

Turning buildings into energy producers

Photovoltaics can be used directly in building and renovation projects and serve as a construction material in their own right. Integrating solar panels into facades and roofs can transform buildings into electricity producers ...

Lead-free, efficient perovskite for photovoltaic cells

A KAIST research team has proposed a perovskite material, Cs2Au2I6 that serves as a potential active material for highly efficient lead-free thin-film photovoltaic devices. This material is expected to lay the foundation ...

Magnetic electrodes increase solar cell efficiency

An international research collaborative led by the Ikerbasque researcher Luis Hueso has developed a photovoltaic cell in which magnetic materials such as electrodes are used for the first time to provide current. The journal ...

Saws made of carbon

More material could be saved when manufacturing wafers in future. Ultra-thin saws made of carbon nanotubes and diamond would be able to cut through silicon wafers with minimum kerf loss. A new method makes it possible to ...

Bringing color to solar facades

Until now, designers of buildings have no choice but to use black or bluish-gray colored solar panels. With the help of thin-film technologies, researchers have now been able to turn solar cells into colorful creations.

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