Understanding oxygen depletion on the Oregon coastal shelf

Each spring, the winds off Oregon shift, changing ocean currents and spurring the onset of the upwelling season, an approximately 4 month period where cold, nutrient-rich, oxygen-depleted deep water is driven into the coastal ...

Old concrete can protect nature

Usually we think of demolished concrete walls and floors as environmental contaminants, but in fact this material may turn out to be a valuable resource in nature protection work. This is the conclusion from researchers from ...

Migrating animals add new depth to how the ocean 'breathes'

The oxygen content of the ocean may be subject to frequent ups and downs in a very literal sense—that is, in the form of the numerous sea creatures that dine near the surface at night then submerge into the safety of deeper, ...

Rapid coral death by a deadly chain reaction

(Phys.org) -- Most people are fascinated by the colorful and exotic coral reefs, which form habitats with probably the largest biodiversity. But human civilisation is the top danger to these fragile ecosystems through climate ...

Could oysters be used to clean up Chesapeake Bay?

Chronic water quality problems caused by agricultural and urban runoff, municipal wastewater, and atmospheric deposition from the burning of fossil fuels leads to oxygen depletion, loss of biodiversity, and harmful algal ...

Study shows deepwater oil plume in Gulf degraded by microbes

In the aftermath of the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, a dispersed oil plume was formed at a depth between 3,600 and 4,000 feet and extending some 10 miles out from the wellhead. ...

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