How smart is an octopus?

The unique brainpower of octopuses—known for their intelligence and Houdini-like escapes—has been revealed by University of Queensland researchers.

The secret life of baby octopuses

Some of the most amazing creatures live in the deep blue sea. Cuttlefish, squids and octopuses, for example. These soft-bodied cephalopods have a strikingly sophisticated nervous system, camera-like eyes, three hearts, and ...

Suckers for learning: why octopuses are so intelligent

Our last common ancestor with the octopus existed more than 500 million years ago. So why is it that they seem to show such peculiar similarities with humans, while at the same time appearing so alien? Perhaps because despite ...

Octopuses have two alternating sleep states, study shows

Octopuses are known to sleep and to change color while they do it. Now, a study publishing March 25 in the journal iScience finds that these color changes are characteristic of two major alternating sleep states: an "active ...

The wily octopus: King of flexibility

Octopuses have the most flexible appendages known in nature, according to a new study in Scientific Reports. In addition to being soft and strong, each of the animal's eight arms can bend, twist, elongate and shorten in many ...

Do octopuses' arms have a mind of their own?

Often described as aliens, octopuses are one of most unusual creatures on the planet, with three hearts, eight limbs and a keen intelligence. They can open jars, solve puzzles and even escape from their tanks, aided by their ...

Decoding the complex life of a simple parasite

Dicyemids, microscopic parasites comprising 30 cells, are in-between creatures. With their basic three-part body plan, they are more complex than single-celled protozoans but considerably less complex than multicellular metazoans—the ...

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