Cisco to introduce new heavy-duty Internet router

(AP) -- Cisco Systems Inc. announced Tuesday that it is upgrading one of its biggest pieces of networking hardware, a router that's used to power the most trafficked parts of the Internet backbone.

MIT researchers create new Urban Network Analysis toolbox

MIT researchers have created a new Urban Network Analysis (UNA) toolbox that enables urban designers and planners to describe the spatial patterns of cities using mathematical network analysis methods. Such tools can support ...

Orange 'forces Google' to pay for mobile traffic

The head of French telecoms operator Orange said on Wednesday it had been able to impose a deal on Google to compensate it for the vast amounts of traffic sent across its networks.

Quantum cryptography goes maintream

(—Researchers from Toshiba and the Department of Engineering have perfected a technique that offers a less expensive way to ensure the security of high-speed fibre-optic cables, protecting communication networks ...

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