Renewable Energy Made by Mixing Salt and Fresh Water

( -- When a river flows into the sea, the location is more than just a haven for water commerce. The mixing of fresh and salt water that occurs at an estuary also dissipates energy, as the different salinity waters ...

No-battery lantern uses water and salt for light

(—From young science students taking their cups and metals to the lab, to older inventors demonstrating their prototypes, it is no secret that salt water can be utilized as a conductor of electricity. Japan's Green ...

Komaba Group reports sodium ion battery progress

(—Scientists with a common goal, to figure out an alternative to the lithium ion battery, the main power source of choice, are not giving up. The quarrel is not with the lithium ion battery's performance but in ...

Battery technology could charge up water desalination

The technology that charges batteries for electronic devices could provide fresh water from salty seas, says a new study by University of Illinois engineers. Electricity running through a salt water-filled battery draws the ...

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