Google to offer own cellular network plan

Google will soon be offering cellular network plans in a bid to bridge the gap between the realms of Internet services and mobile device software it dominates.

Connected cars to untangle snarled traffic

A car that dials emergency services itself in case of a crash and warns its driver of traffic snarls ahead: Ford Motor Co.'s chief believes connected autos will pave the road to the future.

Samsung announces 5G data breakthrough

Samsung Electronics said Monday it had successfully tested super-fast fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology that would eventually allow users to download an entire movie in one second.

Facebook ready to test giant drone for Internet service

Facebook says it will begin test flights later this year for a solar-powered drone with a wingspan as big as a Boeing 737, in the next stage of its campaign to deliver Internet connectivity to remote parts of the world.

UK telecoms regulator studies possibility of 5G

(—Minding the need for more and more mobile spectrum in a post-4G environment, Ofcom, the UK telecoms regulator, announced on Friday that it is preparing to support the release of spectrum for future mobile services, ...

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