Work together or go it alone? Microbes are split on the answer

Just below the surface of soils and sediments, large portions of Earth's biosphere exist in the absence of oxygen. The microbial inhabitants of these low or no oxygen environments, called anoxic environments, drive planetary ...

Stick insects produce bacterial enzymes themselves

Many animals depend on their microbiome to digest their food. Symbiotic microorganisms produce enzymes their hosts cannot, and these work alone or together with the animals' own enzymes to break down their food. Many plant-feeding ...

Do gut microbes shape our evolution?

Scientists increasingly realize the importance of gut and other microbes to our health and well-being, but one UC Berkeley biologist is asking whether these microbes—our microbiota—might also have played a role in shaping ...

Dynamic model helps understand healthy lakes to heal sick ones

Development of a dynamic model for microbial populations in healthy lakes could help scientists understand what's wrong with sick lakes, prescribe cures and predict what may happen as environmental conditions change. Those ...

The ecology of microbial invasions

University of Groningen scientists have described how microbial invasions follow the same general pattern as invasions by plant or animal species. This is a clear example of how the microbiological world follows general rules ...

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