Related topics: bacteria · antibiotics · mrsa

Antibiotic-free treatment of dairy cows underway

Is antibiotic resistance signalling the end for modern treatments of udder infections in the dairy industry? Not so fast, according to researchers who are developing breakthrough technology that's effective against all tested ...

Weaponizing oxygen to kill infections and disease

The life-threatening bacteria called MRSA can cripple a hospital since it spreads quickly and is resistant to treatment. But scientists report that they are now making advances in a new technique that avoids antibiotics. ...

Potential new way to limit antibiotic resistance spreading

One of the biggest current threats to global health is the rise of multi-drug resistant bacteria, caused by the spread of antibiotic resistance amongst them. In an attempt to fight this threat, EMBL researchers have unraveled ...

Biology and chemistry combine to generate new antibiotics

Combining the innovations of synthetic biology with biology and chemistry, a team of scientists at the University of Bristol have generated a brand-new platform that will allow the production of desperately needed brand-new ...

Tick protein helps antibiotics combat MRSA super bug

A protein derived from ticks enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, according to a Yale-led study. The strategy of using the protein in combination with ...

Novel antibiotic resistance gene in milk

Researchers of the University of Bern have identified a new antibiotic resistance gene in bacteria from dairy cows. This gene confers resistance to all beta-lactam antibiotics including the last generation of cephalosporins ...

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