Expert promotes safer gold mining

Mention the Mad Hatter and the image that comes to mind is the character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland—a little batty but quite harmless. But for UBC mining engineering professor Marcello Veiga, the words call up ...

Artisanal gold mining and its health risks

Researchers from the UPM have characterized the health risks derived from the usage of mercury in artisanal gold mining in Colombia through probabilistic models.

Rooting out skin creams that contain toxic mercury

As countries try to rid themselves of toxic mercury pollution, some people are slathering and even injecting creams containing the metal onto or under their skin to lighten it, putting themselves and others at risk for serious ...

New method measures mercury vapour for the first time

Empa has conducted an investigation to find out how much mercury energy-saving lamps contain and if this is within legal requirements. Altogether, 75 commercially available lamps were tested, with encouraging results – ...

Investigating mercury pollution in Indonesia

Professor Takanobu Inoue of Toyohashi Tech's Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering has been conducting field surveys of mercury poisoning in Indonesia for over a decade. His findings have serious implications ...

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