Related topics: crops

Invasive alien species threat to Kenya

CABI has led research which prioritizes 120 potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) that could pose a threat to agriculture and biodiversity in Kenya.

The fungal effector Rip 1 suppresses maize host defense responses

Plant colonization by biotrophic pathogens requires sophisticated strategies for tissue invasion, defense suppression and metabolic manipulation to loot nutrients necessary for their growth and reproduction. The biotrophic ...

Improved maize yields in Tanzania

Given the extra cost, it's understandable that Tanzanian farmers living below the poverty level may be both unable and unwilling to invest in chemical fertilizers to address soil deficiencies. But research from a multidisciplinary ...

Ozone pollution harms maize crops, study finds

Although stratospheric ozone protects us by filtering out the sun's ultraviolet radiation, tropospheric ozone is a harmful pollutant. A new study has shown that ozone in the lower layers of the atmosphere decreases crop yields ...

X-ray imaging of beetles in ancient Japanese earthenware

Using X-rays, Professor Hiroki Obata of Kumamoto University, Japan has imaged 28 impressions of maize weevils on pottery shards from the late Jomon period (around 3,600 years ago) excavated from the Yakushoden site in Miyazaki ...

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