Graphene Yields Secrets to Its Extraordinary Properties

( -- Applying innovative measurement techniques, researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Institute of Standards and Technology have directly measured the unusual energy spectrum of ...

Physicists capture first images of atomic spin

( -- Though scientists argue that the emerging technology of spintronics may trump conventional electronics for building the next generation of faster, smaller, more efficient computers and high-tech devices, ...

How to test the limits of quantum mechanics

Researchers from Imperial College London and Lancaster University have suggested a new approach to test the limits of applicability of quantum mechanics.

Q&A: Why is there so much hype about the quantum computer?

How far along are the quantum technologies? And what do we really mean when we use the word quantum? Senior Adviser Ulrich Busk Hoff has been conducting research into and communicating about quantum physics for several years. ...

Penetrating the quantum nature of magnetism

Antiferromagnets are materials that lose their apparent magnetic properties when cooled down close to absolute zero temperature. Different to conventional magnets, which can be described with classical physics even at the ...

Table top plasma gets wind of solar turbulence

Scientists from India and Portugal recreated solar turbulence on a tabletop using a high intensity ultrashort laser pulse to excite a hot, dense plasma and followed the evolution of the giant magnetic field generated by the ...

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