New light shed on the people who built Stonehenge

Despite over a century of intense study, we still know very little about the people buried at Stonehenge or how they came to be there. Now, a new University of Oxford research collaboration, published in Scientific Reports ...

Decomposition of toxic products in drinking water infiltration

Israel has declared war against drought. Five desalination plants generate around 600 million cubic metres of fresh water every year, which is about 70 percent of the consumption required by private households. Because the ...

The Ii Hamina cemetery reveals adaptation to the environment

The medieval cemetery in Ii Hamina in northern Finland on the Iijoki river was originally discovered by accident. A recent study examined the isotope compositions of the teeth of the dead. It turned out that the population ...

Prehistoric humans actively adapted their survival strategies

Scientists from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen discovered that Neanderthals modified their survival strategies even without external influences, such as environmental ...

An inflexible diet led to the disappearance of the cave bear

Senckenberg scientists have studied the feeding habits of the extinct cave bear. Based on the isotope composition in the collagen of the bears' bones, they were able to show that the large mammals subsisted on a purely vegan ...

Copper gives an answer to the rise of oxygen

A new study presents evidence that the rise of atmospheric oxygenation did indeed occur 2.4-2.1 billion years ago. It also shows that biological usage of copper became prominent after the so called 'Great Oxidation Event.' ...

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