More than 7,500-year-old fish traps found in Russia

A team of international archeologists, led by the Spanish National Research Council, has documented a series of more than 7,500-year-old fish seines and traps near Moscow. The equipment found, among the oldest in Europe, ...

Swiss exhibition works to help information junkies

The Libyan war, the Greek debt crisis and the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal have all been rich fodder this year for news junkies -- but is today's information overload healthy?

Half of Swedish three-year-olds online: study

Swedes are among the world's most connected people and are swarming to the Internet at an ever earlier age, a study published Wednesday showed, indicating that half of Swedish three-year-olds have been online.

Strength in numbers

New research sheds light on why, after 300,000 years of domination, European Neanderthals abruptly disappeared. Researchers from the University of Cambridge have discovered that modern humans coming from Africa swarmed the ...

Microclimates: Managing weather from street to street

Walk through a city and the weather may change from block to block, often in startling ways. Step into a canyon of tall buildings and sunlight disappears. Winds arise seemingly from nowhere. The air smells completely different ...

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