Related topics: bees

EPA says pesticide harms bees in some cases

A major pesticide harms honeybees when used on cotton and citrus but not on other big crops like corn, berries and tobacco, the Environmental Protection Agency found.

EPA bans sale of pesticide that's toxic to honeybees

It's the end of the line for sulfoxaflor, a pesticide used on a wide variety of produce, but that has been found to be toxic to honeybees that are crucial to pollination of crops.

Some honeybee colonies adapt in wake of deadly mites

A new genetics study of wild honeybees offers clues to how a population has adapted to a mite that has devastated bee colonies worldwide. The findings may aid beekeepers and bee breeders to prevent future honeybee declines.

How does a honeybee queen avoid inbreeding in her colony?

Recombination, or crossing-over, occurs when sperm and egg cells are formed and segments of each chromosome pair are interchanged. This process plays an crucial role in the maintanance of genetic variation. Matthew Webster ...

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