Insects modify mating behavior in anticipation of storms

Insects modify calling and courting mating behavior in response to changes in air pressure, according to results published October 2 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Ana Cristina Pellegrino and José Maurício Bento, ...

Probing methane's secrets: From diamonds to Neptune

Hydrocarbons from the Earth make up the oil and gas that heat our homes and fuel our cars. The study of the various phases of molecules formed from carbon and hydrogen under high pressures and temperatures, like those found ...

A designer enzyme for alternative energy

( —Imagine pulling energy out of thin air. Yi Lu and his colleagues are on that path, in a quest to find alternatives to fossil fuels. The team has designed an enzyme that can harvest the energy of atmospheric ...

Dense hydrogen in a new light

( —Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. The way it responds under extreme pressures and temperatures is crucial to our understanding of matter and the nature of hydrogen-rich planets.

'Nano machine shop' shapes nanowires, ultrathin films

(—A new "nano machine shop" that shapes nanowires and ultrathin films could represent a future manufacturing method for tiny structures with potentially revolutionary properties.

Satellite research reveals smaller volcanoes could cool climate

A University of Saskatchewan-led international research team has discovered that aerosols from relatively small volcanic eruptions can be boosted into the high atmosphere by weather systems such as monsoons, where they can ...

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