Can dog show judges spot risky head shape?

Breed show judges could improve dogs' health by using their ability to detect subtle differences in head shapes of Cavalier King Charles spaniels, a new study by the School of Veterinary Science at the University of Surrey ...

Why do Hydra end up with just a single head?

Often considered immortal, the freshwater Hydra can regenerate any part of its body, a trait discovered by the Geneva naturalist Abraham Trembley nearly 300 years ago. Any fragment of its body containing a few thousands cells ...

Head Start slashes likelihood of adult poverty

One of the United States' most successful anti-poverty measures starts very early in life: Head Start, a preschool program for disadvantaged kids, increased children's education and significantly reduced the likelihood of ...

I used facial recognition technology on birds

As a birder, I had heard that if you paid careful attention to the head feathers on the downy woodpeckers that visited your bird feeders, you could begin to recognize individual birds. This intrigued me. I even went so far ...

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