BrainShield to enhance football helmet effectiveness

Researchers at Simon Fraser University's Surrey campus have developed an impact-diverting decal that, when affixed to a helmet, can significantly reduce the sharp twisting and compression of the brain that occurs during most ...

Better diagnostic imaging for traumatic brain injuries

Image-calibration technology designed and developed by scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Radiological Society of North America ...

Gannet study reveals perils of high-speed diving

Gannets may be among the fastest and most agile seabird hunters around, but they risk dying of fatal neck and head injuries from accidental collisions in the water when diving for fish at breakneck speeds, a Massey biology ...

Why do woodpeckers resist head impact injury?

Head injury is a common concern around the world, but researchers suggest that woodpeckers may have an answer for minimizing such devastating injuries. As reported in the Oct. 26 issue of the online journal PLoS ONE, an analysis ...

Building a better safety helmet

Student researchers at Northeastern University have developed the technology for a helmet that could measure the severity of head injuries suffered by fallen skiers or snowboarders and alert first responders to the significance ...

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