How bacteria adhere to fiber in the gut

Researchers have revealed a new molecular mechanism by which bacteria adhere to cellulose fibers in the human gut. Thanks to two different binding modes, they can withstand the shear forces in the body. Scientists of the ...

Veterinarians identify problems in cats with dysbacteriosis

RUDN veterinarians studied how the intestinal microbiota in cats changes during dysbacteriosis. The patterns obtained will help to make a more accurate diagnosis and select an adequate treatment. The results are published ...

Do gut microbes shape our evolution?

Scientists increasingly realize the importance of gut and other microbes to our health and well-being, but one UC Berkeley biologist is asking whether these microbes—our microbiota—might also have played a role in shaping ...

Exploring the role of gut bacteria in digestion

They congregate in the environments that suit them best; some prefer the dry, desert-like conditions of our forearms while others thrive in the Amazon-style humidity of our feet.

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