How blockchain technology has medieval roots

Blockchain is an emergent technology that may be as transformative as the internet, according to many predictions. But this innovative new technology has a surprising link to the days of medieval treasuries.

As hacking grows, biometric security gains momentum

With hackers seemingly running rampant online and millions of users compromised, efforts for stronger online identity protection—mainly using biometrics—are gaining momentum.

The future of biometric technology

Biometric security such as fingerprint, face and voice recognition is set to hit the mainstream as global technology companies market the systems as convenient and easy to use, according to a prominent information security ...

iPhone hack shows security isn't at our fingertips just yet

We've come to expect something radically different from Apple every time it launches a new product and sure enough, the fingerprint sensor unveiled as part of the iPhone 5s, seemed like a revolution in phone security.

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