Comfort is important in identification

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has conducted a study about user attitudes to different personal identification methods. The most popular identification methods were internet banking access codes and passwords. The ...

As hacking grows, biometric security gains momentum

With hackers seemingly running rampant online and millions of users compromised, efforts for stronger online identity protection—mainly using biometrics—are gaining momentum.

Move over '123456': passwords to go high-tech

Internet users may soon have a secure solution to the modern plague of passwords, in which they can use visual patterns or even their own body parts to identify themselves.

The future of biometric technology

Biometric security such as fingerprint, face and voice recognition is set to hit the mainstream as global technology companies market the systems as convenient and easy to use, according to a prominent information security ...

Biometrics on a mass scale

The largest biometric program in history – collecting iris and fingerprint patterns of 1.2 billion people in three years – aims to improve the quality of life for some of India's most disadvantaged and marginalized citizens ...

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