Internet transition to speedier IPv6 accelerating

The transition to the next-generation Internet protocol IPv6 is set to speed up this year as web addresses under the previous system IPv4 run out, a senior industry figure said at a meeting about the future of the web Thursday.

Samsung to unveil 'smartwatch' next month: reports

South Korea's Samsung Electronics will unveil its new Galaxy Gear "smartwatch" early next month, ahead of Apple's iWatch, Bloomberg news and a fan site said Saturday.

Will smart watches find many buyers?

When it comes to the target market for a smart watch, I'm probably it: I love tech, I'm often an early adopter of new gadgets and, until very recently, I was a lifelong watch wearer. But even I'm not sure I really need or ...

Controlling magnetic clouds in graphene

( —Wonder material graphene can be made magnetic and its magnetism switched on and off at the press of a button, opening a new avenue towards electronics with very low energy consumption.

Vibrating fork to combat obesity makes its debut

An electronic fork that vibrates when you eat too fast went on sale Wednesday on Kickstarter, with its French inventors claiming it can help combat obesity and digestive issues.

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