Tesla seeks its own Wisconsin dealerships to teach customers

Tesla officials pressed Wisconsin legislators Tuesday to let them to establish their own dealerships in the state, saying the company needs direct contact with customers to teach them about the electric vehicles' technology.

Your TV may use more energy than you think, group charges

An environmental group accused three major television manufacturers Wednesday of misleading consumers and regulators about how much energy their high-definition screens devour by designing them to draw less power during government ...

States can lower electric bills with clean power plan

The U.S. electric system faces an array of challenges. Sluggish demand growth and the rise of solar power challenge the ability of utilities to recover their costs. The digital economy requires reliable power quality, and ...

Cool paint job could blow away air con costs

A cool discovery from QUT researchers has found that a special roof coating could bring Queenslanders relief from sweltering summers as well as lower electricity bills.

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