Research team identifies new mtDNA editing tool

A team of researchers from the Wang Yangming Laboratory at Peking University's College of Future Technology has recently identified a DddA homolog from Simiaoa sunii (Ddd_Ss) that can efficiently deaminate cytosine in DC ...

Solving a crucial bottleneck in drug discovery

Many existing antibiotics were derived from soil bacteria, which naturally produce these toxins to ward off competitors. But efforts to draw more therapeutics from the ground have hit a snag. Most species cannot be grown ...

Dual-plasmid editing system improves DNA digital storage potential

DNA-based information is a new interdisciplinary field linking information technology and biotechnology. The field hopes to meet the enormous need for long-term data storage by using DNA as an information storage medium. ...

Video: 'Mapping' the body with single-cell RNA sequencing

While nearly every cell in the body contains identical genetic instructions packaged in DNA, there is flexibility on how that genetic information is expressed and in turn translated through RNA to create proteins, the building ...

Researchers chart advances in ancient DNA technology

Over the past 10 years, researchers led by Fu Qiaomei from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have used ancient DNA (aDNA) technology to unearth ...

A new method for the fast detection of a key antiviral

Interferons are proteins that constitute an important part of our natural defense systems. These proteins also exhibit a remarkable antiviral activity. The recombinant human interferon α2b (rhIFNα2b) was approved by the ...

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