An easy way for dairy farmers to reduce their climate impact

Adding even a small amount of biochar—a charcoal-like material produced by burning organic matter—to a dairy's manure-composting process reduces methane emissions by 84%, a recent study by UC Merced researchers shows.

Dairy farms asked to consider breeding no-horn cows

Food manufacturers and restaurants are taking the dairy industry by the horns on an animal welfare issue that's long bothered activists but is little known to consumers: the painful removal of budding horn tissue from calves ...

New antibiotic could make food safer and cows healthier

Food-borne diseases might soon have another warrior to contend with, thanks to a new molecule discovered by chemists at the University of Illinois. The new antibiotic, an analog of the widely used food preservative nisin, ...

Green business from recycled dairy wastewater

An innovative new way of treating dairy wastewater and whey could cut water and energy consumption dramatically, saving the food industry millions of euros.

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