Did the Earth tip on its side 84 million years ago?

Hold on to your hats, because scientists have found more evidence that Earth tips over from time to time. We know that the continents are moving slowly due to plate tectonics, but continental drift only pushes the tectonic ...

World's largest 'lava lamp bubble' under NZ

Seismic wave-speeds have revealed part of an ancient volcanic "superplume" beneath New Zealand, highlighting connections between the Earth's deep interior and the surface we live on.

Horned dinosaur Crittendenceratops discovered in Arizona

Palentologists are announcing a new dinosaur discovery in the southwest United States. Crittendenceratops krzyzanowskii is a new ceratopsid (horned) dinosaur from 73-million-year-old (Late Cretaceous) rocks in southern Arizona. ...

'Superbly preserved' pterosaur fossil unearthed in Scotland

The fossil of a 170-million-year-old pterosaur, described as the world's best-preserved skeleton of the prehistoric winged reptile, has been found on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, scientists said Tuesday.

New kind of extinct flying reptile discovered by scientists

A new kind of pterosaur, a flying reptile from the time of the dinosaurs, has been identified by scientists from the Transylvanian Museum Society in Romania, the University of Southampton in the UK and the Museau Nacional ...

Sunken islands could cause tectonic shift in Gondwana story

(PhysOrg.com) -- In the remote waters of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth, scientists have just discovered two sunken islands, almost the size of Tasmania, which were once part of the supercontinent Gondwana.

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