Google PageRank-like algorithm dates back to 1941

( -- When Sergey Brin and Larry Page developed their PageRank algorithm for ranking webpages in 1998, they certainly knew that the seeds of the algorithm had been sown long before that time, as is evident from ...

Computer mimics nature by watching TV (w/ Video)

( -- Computer scientists at the University of Bath have developed a new way of making life-like animations of trees using video footage of the real thing.

Researchers bring noise to virtual worlds

( -- Computer scientists have developed a method to synthesize the sounds of cymbals, falling garbage cans and lids, and plastic water-cooler bottles and recycling bins.

When virtual reality feels real (w/Video)

Despite advances in computer graphics, few people would think virtual characters or objects are real. Yet placed in a virtual reality environment most people will interact with them as if they are really there. European researchers ...

Researchers crack mystery of swirling vortexes in egg cells

Egg cells are the largest single cells on the planet. Their size—often several to hundreds of times the size of a typical cell—allows them to grow into entire organisms, but it also makes it difficult to transport nutrients ...

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