Computer automatically deciphers ancient language

In his 2002 book Lost Languages, Andrew Robinson, then the literary editor of the London Times' higher-education supplement, declared that "successful archaeological decipherment has turned out to require a synthesis of logic ...

Toddlers develop individualized rules for grammar

( -- Using advanced computer modeling and statistical analysis, a University of Texas at Austin linguistics professor has found that toddlers develop their own individual structures for using language that are ...

When languages collide, which survives?

Language has the power to shape our perceptions and interactions with the world. Different languages can coexist, but their dynamics are shaped by the communities that speak them—and how those communities interact with ...

Molière most likely did write his own plays

Two French researchers from the CNRS and Ecole nationale des chartes have disproved the theory holding that Corneille was Molière's ghostwriter—a popular and century-old theory defended by some academics and writers. According ...

Turkey the birthplace of Hindi, English: study

Could the word for mother prove that Turkey was the birthplace of hundreds of languages as diverse as Hindi, Russian, Dutch, Albanian, Italian and English?

Training computers to see metaphors

Suppose you are at an intelligence agency and your computer is faced with terabytes of text every day -- documents, emails, transcriptions of voice conversations and more -- and many contain metaphors. How do you train your ...

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