Decoding the genome of the Japanese morning glory

Researchers in Japan have successfully decoded the entire Japanese morning glory genome. Japanese morning glories (Ipomoea nil) are traditional garden plants that are popular in Japan. You can see the flower in many Japanese ...

The Atlantic cod's sex gene revealed

New methods at University of Oslo have made it possible to determine the Atlantic cod´s gender genetically. This could increase profits on cod in aquaculture.

Genetic code of the deadly tsetse fly unraveled

Mining the genome of the disease-transmitting tsetse fly, researchers have revealed the genetic adaptions that allow it to have such unique biology and transmit disease to both humans and animals.

Loblolly pine's immense genome conquered

The massive genome sequence of the loblolly pine—the most commercially important tree species in the United States and the source of most American paper products—has been completed by a nationwide research team, led by ...

Researchers develop tool to evaluate genome sequencing method

Advances in bio-technologies and computer software have helped make genome sequencing much more common than in the past. But still in question are both the accuracy of different sequencing methods and the best ways to evaluate ...

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